Dawn Mauricio
Dawn Mauricio is a yoga and meditation instructor whose practice has evolved over the years. Her branding has followed a similar evolutionary path to reflect the changing focus of her business. ROYALTRI helped to determine the key brand elements for Dawn to incorporate and provided rebrand suggestions that were in alignment with her personal values and professional goals.

Dawn’s logo incorporates the Eightfold Path, which is incorporated in Buddhist teaching as a way to attain Nirvana through rightness of: belief, resolve, speech, action, livelihood, effort, thought and meditation.

Dawn wanted her new logo to reflect her personal journey and the teachings she shares with her students. By flipping one quarter of the logo on all sides, a circle was formed and reflected like the sunrise on the horizon. ROYALTRI defined the concentric circles and refined the brushstrokes of Dawn’s logomark to make them more visible when reduced in size. As it was important to maintain consistency for logo use across all mediums, ROYALTRI delivered a comprehensive brand book with specific guidelines for logo usage, colour palette and typography.